The Civic Federation's Strategic Plan

November 13, 2024


Dear Friends,

When we launched this Strategic Planning process just three months into my tenure at the Civic Federation, our objective was to develop a vision for the Federation's future — a future that builds on our legacy of excellence, imagines the greater impact we can achieve, and leverages our unique competencies and standing in the community.

Given that the world has changed dramatically since the last strategic plan in 2012, it was vital that this process prioritize a generationally refreshed vision rather than more technically oriented implementation. The final product presented here reflects six months of collaborative work with a wide range of past and present stakeholders.

The Civic Federation’s core mission – to analyze and promote sensible fiscal and governance policies and transparent practices in the pursuit of better delivery of government services – remains unchanged. However, this strategic plan provides a roadmap to deepen and expand that work. It charts a course toward increased public engagement and education, deeper subject-matter work, and stronger organizational governance and transparency.

At its heart, this strategic plan presents a unified vision of The Civic Federation’s vital role and reflects the community’s aspirations for our future. It lays out exciting possibilities for where we might go while giving us the flexibility to adapt to a rapidly evolving world.

The need for the Civic Federation’s authoritative, nonpartisan voice is at an all-time high. We have an incredible opportunity to meet that moment while also expanding our reach to a broader audience. I am deeply grateful to join you on this journey.

Click here to read the strategic plan.

My Best,

Joe Ferguson Signature

Joe Ferguson

President, Civic Federation


We extend our sincere gratitude to Crowe LLP for their invaluable pro-bono support in developing the Civic Federation's Strategic Plan. Thank you for your generous commitment to our mission.

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