Cook County


Effective Property Tax Rates: Selected Municipalities in Northeastern Illinois, 1999-2006

This report compares property tax rates in selected communities around metropolitan Chicago, and finds that effective rates for commercial property in Chicago declined by nearly 60 percent between tax years 1999 and 2006.


Civic Federation Supports Cook County Classification Ordinance Reduction to 10% and 25%

The Civic Federation supports the proposal to to amend the Cook County Classification Ordinance in order to change the levels of assessment to 10% for residential, vacant, and apartment properties, and 25% for commercial, industrial, and…


Estimated Full Value of Cook County Real Estate: 2006 Property Tax Assessment by Class for Property Tax Payable in 2007

This report provides estimates of the total market value of real property in Cook County from 1997-2006 and shows how property value is spread among the City of Chicago, the northern and the southern suburbs. From 1997-2006, the value of…


Forest Preserve District of Cook County: A Call for a Separate Board of Commissioners

This joint report by the Civic Federation and Friends of the Forest Preserves calls for the creation of an independent board of commissioners for the Forest Preserve District of Cook County. The report finds that the current arrangement by…


Civic Federation 2008 Legislative Priorities

The Civic Federation's legislative priorities for 2008 include public pension reform, tax increment financing disclosure, creation of a separate board of commissioners for the Cook County Forest Preserve District, school financial…


Status of Local Pension Funding Fiscal Year 2006: An Evaluation of Ten Local Government Pension Funds in Cook County

This report provides a trend analysis of indicators that measure the financial health and performance of ten major local government pension funds from 1997 to 2006. It finds a combined 18.3 billion dollars in unfunded liabilities for the…


Cook County Bureau of Health Services Independent Board of Directors

The Civic Federation supports the work of the Cook County Bureau of Health Services Review Committee and the Task Force on Independent Governance of the Cook County Bureau of Health on establishing an independent governing board for the…


Tax Increment Financing (TIF): A Civic Federation Position Statement

The Civic Federation supports Tax Increment Financing as an economic development tool but recommends that there be much greater transparency in the quantity and quality of TIF information provided to the public. The Federation recommends…


Tax Increment Financing (TIF): A Civic Federation Issue Brief

This report explains the impact of TIF on taxpayers and local governments in Illinois. It also reviews the TIF designation process, recent empirical research on TIF, and provides detailed information on selected City of Chicago TIF…


Cook County FY2008 Proposed Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation opposes the Cook County FY2008 proposed budget. The $3.2 billion budget includes a 267% increase in the county sales tax, the addition of 1,130 new positions, and other tax hikes that could generate as much as $979.8…