How Will Illinois Tax Recreational Cannabis?
UPDATE: The Cook County Board passed ordinance 20…
A recent report shows that Illinois’ statutorily required contributions to its five pension funds are expected to total $9.8 billion in the upcoming…
For more than a decade, the Civic Federation has strongly supported consolidation of hundreds of police and fire…
Supporters of a graduated income tax have emphasized its potential to stabilize the State of Illinois’ shaky finances and reduce pressure on local…
In the State of Illinois, non-home rule units of government located in counties subject to the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law (PTELL) are limited in the size of their annual property tax extension to 5% or the increase in the…
A key Illinois Medicaid panel has recommended that the State move away from costly and often ineffective…
A new pension buyout plan designed to save hundreds of millions of dollars for the State of Illinois in the fiscal year that just ended actually generated relatively…
Amid the frenzied activity at the end of the Illinois General Assembly’s spring session, a little-noticed tax on health…
Click here to read the full report.Click here to read the press release…