Government Budgets


The Illinois Taxes No One Wants to Talk About

This article discusses Civic Federation recommendations from the FY2019 State of Illinois Budget Roadmap to expand the Illinois income tax to include…


Deadline Looms for State Budget?

When will Illinois have a budget for Fiscal Year 2019? The issue is of intense concern because of the State’s recent history: full budgets for FY2016 and FY2017 were never enacted, while the General Assembly…


Coverage of FY2019 State of Illinois Operating Budget Analysis

The following news items cover the release of the Institute for Illinois' Fiscal Sustainability at the Civic Federation's analysis of the State of Illinois…


Civic Federation Cannot Support Governor's FY2019 Budget

(CHICAGO) – In a report released today, the Civic Federation’s Institute for Illinois’ Fiscal Sustainability announced it cannot support Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner’s recommended budget for FY2019 because it is precariously balanced and…


State of Illinois FY2019 Recommended Operating Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

Click here to read the full report. The Civic Federation’s Institute for Illinois’ Fiscal Sustainability is not…


Forecasting Revenue for the State of Illinois

The Civic Federation has long supported the development of a consensus revenue forecast for the State of Illinois.…


City Colleges of Chicago Adopts New Hybrid Tuition Structure

On April 5, 2018 the City Colleges of Chicago Board of Trustees unanimously approved Board Resolution 33420, which changes the tuition rate from a tier-based…


Illinois Candidates Vie to Lead State With Nation’s Worst Credit Rating

This article discusses the impact Illinois' gubernatorial election may have on the State's fiscal crisis, noting that the election's victor will have to address a $9 billion bill backlog, $129 billion in unfunded pension liabilities and a…


Governor’s FY2019 Budget Depends on Benefit Cost Shift

Amid concerns about renewed political stalemate in Springfield, Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner on February 14, 2018 proposed a budget for the next fiscal year that…


How the Governor’s Proposed FY2019 Budget Would Affect Local Governments

Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner presented his annual budget address on February 14, 2018, outlining his…