Taxes and Fees


A Primer on the Property Tax with Special Application to Cook County, Illinois

A research paper that explores the relationships between key variables of the Illinois property tax system, such as the timing effect in tax calculations; tax capacity, the Cook County classification system and tax breaks; and tax breaks…


Assessing the Impact of Tax Increment Financing in Northeastern Illinois: Empirical Analysis and Case Studies

This research study analyzed the effect tax increment financing has upon economic development and the property tax base in the 6 counties of northeastern Illinois and selected municipalities in that region


Chicago Park District FY1997 Proposed Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation's analysis of the Chicago Park District's FY1997 budget commends the District for avoiding a property tax increase for the fourth year in a row, increasing its reliance of user fees rather than the property tax, and…


Chicagoland: A Fiscal Perspective 1983-1992

A review of tax levels, expenditures and debt of major Chicago area local governments between 1983 and 1992.